Call for Proposals
Submission is now open!
We are seeking abstracts for:
- Lightning talks (10 min, Thursday June 12 or Friday June 13) Must pre-record and be live on chat to answer questions
- Regular talks (20 min, Thursday June 12 or Friday June 13) Must pre-record and be live on chat to answer questions
- Demos (1 hour demo of an approach or a package, Tuesday June 10 or Wednesday June 11) Done live, preferably interactive
- Workshops (2-3 hours on a topic, Tuesday June 10 or Wednesday June 11) Detailed instruction on a topic, usually with a website and a repo, participants can choose to code along, include 5-10 min breaks each hour.
An abstract proposal should describe a presentation of methodology, a study or project, or an example or case study relevant to one (or more) of our fields of interest, with R-based tools having a substantial role in the work. The content of the presentation should be of interest to the R/Medicine community.
Dates to Remember
CFP Closes: Friday, April 11th at 11:59 PM EDT
CFP Notifications: Friday, April 25th
Schedule Announcement: Friday, May 9th
Pre-Recorded Video Submission: Monday, June 2nd
The Chat
R/Medicine has a strong tradition of active discussion in a virtual chat during virtual presentations, and this discussion is much better if the presenter or a co-presenter is active in the chat, sharing relevant links and answering questions during the presentation. If you have relevant links in your presentation, put them in a document ahead of time so that you can easily drop them into the chat when appropriate. If you have a co-presenter, decide who will present and who will chat (or take turns at a natural switching point).
Panel submissions must include the names of all participants in the initial submission in order to be considered. The Linux Foundation does not accept submissions with all-male panels, in an effort to increase speaker diversity.
Complimentary Passes For Speakers: One complimentary pass for the event will be provided for the accepted primary speaker and a co-speaker. For panel sessions, each panelist will receive a complimentary pass.
Avoid sales or marketing pitches and discussion of unlicensed or potentially closed-source technologies in your proposal. Talks of this nature are almost always rejected because they diminish the integrity of our events and are rarely well-received by conference attendees.
All accepted speakers are required to submit their prerecorded presentation videos by Monday, June 2nd, prior to the event.
Important Notes
All speakers are required to adhere to our Code of Conduct. We also highly recommend that speakers take our online Inclusive Speaker Orientation Course.
Preparing to Submit Your Proposal
We do not intend to provide strict instructions on how to prepare your proposal; however, we hope you will review the following guidelines to help you prepare the best submission possible. To get started, here are three questions you should consider before submitting your proposal:
What are you hoping to get from your presentation?
What do you expect the audience to gain from your presentation?
How will your presentation help better the R Medicine ecosystem?
There are many ways to give a presentation about projects and technologies without focusing on company-specific efforts.
Remember the questions above when writing your proposal, and think of ways to make it interesting for attendees as you share your experiences, educate the community about a method or an issue, or generate interest in a project.
First Time Submitting? Don’t Feel Intimidated
Linux Foundation events are an excellent place for getting to know the community and sharing your ideas and the work you are doing. We strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit talks for our events. If you aren’t sure about your abstract, reach out to us and we will be happy to provide advice on your proposal.
How To Give a Great Tech Talk
If your talk is accepted, we want to help you give the best presentation possible. To do this, we have listed two videos on how to give a great tech talk:
Your Perfect Tech Talk:
A general MIT lecture on How to Speak: