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Executive summary

Object-oriented programming enables R developers to implement abstractions, introduce domain-specific data models, and interface with external systems, among other things. Unlike other modern programming languages, R lacks a dominant approach to object-oriented programming. The competition between existing approaches is unproductive and contributes to social fragmentation of the community and technical hurdles when integrating across different systems.

We propose to form a working group that will develop a design proposal for a system that will combine the most important elements from the existing approaches while remaining compatible with them. We will involve key technical experts and community stakeholders, including R Core and the tidyverse. Upon publishing the design proposal, we will invite the entire community to contribute feedback. Finally, we will conclude the working group by developing and releasing a strategy for implementing, maintaining, and adopting the framework.


In R, everything is an object. That principle facilitates interacting with data, because a dataset is modeled as a tangible, real world object. The user can display the contents of an object, introspect its structure and manipulate it in various ways.

R provides all of the basic types of objects necessary for statistical computing. To more effectively reason about a domain, like genomics, we need to specialize the data types to more richly model the semantics particular to that domain. Once we have a specialized set of data structures, we recognize the need for /abstraction/, which models commonality across data types. Abstraction is also useful for existing data types, where a package could provide an alternative implementation, for example, based on a database or distributed computing system. Abstraction requires a system of classification, where each object corresponds to a specific class, and each class derives from another. The classification system transcends the class instances (the objects), and it is helpful to explicitly refer to classes when programming.

Fundamentally, a class-based object-oriented system has two requirements: * There is a centrally defined class hierarchy, and * Every object is an instance of a class.

A class is defined by the contract governing its structure and contents. The contract extends the contract of the parent class in order to add semantics through additional constraints while remaining compatible with the parent contract. Code manipulating objects will often make assumptions about the structure and content of objects. To mitigate risk, such low-level code benefits from a validation function, essentially a codification of the class contract, to verify its assumptions.

While there is intrinsic value in formal modeling of data, for software to fully take advantage of the richer semantics, it requires /polymorphism/, where the behavior of the software with respect to an object depends on the class of the object.

Most object-oriented languages implement message-passing OOP, where classes define their own behavior by holding functions, called methods, in addition to fields. When one class calls a method in another class, it passes a message.

R has a few systems based on message-passing, most notably the R6 package and reference classes in the methods package. These rely on message-passing in part because their objects are mutable and it is easier to reason about code when we can typically assume that it is the receiver being mutated. We exclude from our scope systems with mutable objects, because immutable objects are generally preferable for interactive data analysis, relegating mutable systems to niche applications, such as GUIs and caching mechanisms.

As appropriate for a statistical computing language, R has functional roots, and the most prevalent object-oriented approaches in R are functional systems, namely S3 and S4, corresponding to the third and fourth version of the S language, respectively. Objects tend to be immutable, and top-level functions can be generic, which means means they dispatch to another function, called a method, based on the types of the passed arguments. The simplest type of generic dispatches on a single argument. While single dispatch supports most applications of polymorphism, there are many cases where the behavior depends on the interaction of two or more classes. Typical examples include arithmetic, converting an object from one class to another and combining two different types of object.

From these considerations, we conclude that a good object-oriented system would support: * An explicit class hierarchy (represented by reified objects) with * Systematic instance construction and validation; * Multiple, at least double, dispatch, and * Objects with a transparent, introspectable structure.

Problem statement

The two major OOP frameworks in R, S3 and S4, each have their own limitations, with neither one being sufficiently applicable to gain dominance. This had led to social fracturing in the community and technical impediments to compatibility and interoperability. We summarize those limitations in the table below.

S3 limitations S4 limitations S4 implementation issues
Classes are only implicit Multiple inheritance and dispatch hard to understand Poor performance
No systematic object validation Syntax is unusual (side effects) Difficult to maintain
Single dispatch only Lack of transparency of object structure and methods

S3 defines classes implicitly at the instance level, so there is no explicit class hierarchy. While the S3 system supports tracking the class of every object, there is no systematic means of constructing and validating them to ensure correctness. S3 only supports single dispatch, so it is difficult to write polymorphic code for arithmetic, merging objects, converting objects, etc.

S4 has solutions to all of those problems, but it is quite ambitious, introducing significant complexity, unusual syntax and loss of transparency. Multiple inheritance, while expressive and powerful, allows for multiple overlapping taxonomies, which is difficult to reason about, and the difficulty increases quadratically when combined with multiple dispatch, where method selection uses a distance calculation in /n/ dimensions where /n/ is the number of arguments. The syntax for defining classes and methods is non-idiomatic and relies on side effects. Finally, the S4 convention (although not a requirement) is to hide slots behind an API, which improves encapsulation but prevents the basic introspection capabilities that are desirable when analyzing data and that R users have come to expect.

Somewhat tangentionally, but still motivating, there are also technical issues with the methods package, the only implementation of the S4 system. Its incremental growth over the decades has led to excessive complexity, as well as performance issues. In the absence of a new system, we would need to reimplement S4, so there will be implementation effort regardless.

Documentation limitations afflict both S3 and S4. It is difficult to describe a programming interface when it consists of generic functions not coupled to each other or any class. Any package can define a method on a generic or extend a class, so the documentation needs to adapt according to which packages are loaded.


We believe there may be a better way, but the solutions are not obvious. Across popular programming languages, with the notable exception of Julia, functional OOP is much less common and less well developed than message-passing, so there are few examples for R to follow and any advances will likely require research. Therefore, we propose to bring together a panel of experts to more formally assess the situation and design a solution. Since we are aiming for this solution to unify the community, we aim for widespread adoption, which will require involvement by key community leaders. We will invite the community to review the proposal and to contribute feedback and ideas. The working group will integrate the feedback and finalize the proposal. It will conclude after developing a strategy for implementation, adoption and long-term maintenance, for which it will not be directly responsible.

No funding is required nor requested for this effort.


  • Release a finalized design specification for a unifying object-oriented programming system,
  • Recommend to the ISC a strategy for implementing and maintaining the system, as well as driving its adoption.


  • Finalize membership,
  • Agree upon and prioritize system requirements,
  • Iterate through design proposals,
  • Release a proposal for community review and contribution,
  • Incorporate community contributions,
  • Submit the finalized proposal,
  • Develop and submit the implementation and adoption strategy.


The founding members are:

  • Michael Lawrence :: Representing R-core and (S4-based) Bioconductor, and a maintainer of the methods package;
  • Hadley Wickham :: Representing RStudio and the tidyverse project, which relies heavily on S3;
  • Martin Maechler :: Representing R-core, maintainer of the S4-based Matrix and Rmpfr packages, and a maintainer of the methods package.

We have also invited representatives from the R Ladies and ROpenSci communities. We will collaborate with others in R Core, keeping them informed of our plans and incorporating any feedback.